Playing Technologies as Mean for Development of Linguistic Competence of Foreign Students during Studying of Language History

سال انتشار: 1399
نوع سند: مقاله ژورنالی
زبان: انگلیسی
مشاهده: 40

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تاریخ نمایه سازی: 26 بهمن 1402

چکیده مقاله:

There is increasing of the interest to playing technologies extensively using in educational space at the modern stage of teaching of Russian as a foreign language. Playing activity causes students’ linguistic competence building and allows beefing up their background knowledge. The one of the most efficient mean for arouse an interest to Russian language history is didactic game. Using of various playing technologies in auditory of other languages causes the increasing of interest to Russian language and its history. Linguistic facts become more accessible and understandable. The main attention during material take-off for historical commentary should be paid to its practical focus that provides the formation of communicative, linguistic and culturological competence of foreign students. The article presents didactic principles of material take-off for playing technologies, adduces examples of linguistic games oriented to training of difficult for foreign students themes related to Russian language history such as orthography, phonetic, grammar.There is increasing of the interest to playing technologies extensively using in educational space at the modern stage of teaching of Russian as a foreign language. Playing activity causes students’ linguistic competence building and allows beefing up their background knowledge. The one of the most efficient mean for arouse an interest to Russian language history is didactic game. Using of various playing technologies in auditory of other languages causes the increasing of interest to Russian language and its history. Linguistic facts become more accessible and understandable. The main attention during material take-off for historical commentary should be paid to its practical focus that provides the formation of communicative, linguistic and culturological competence of foreign students. The article presents didactic principles of material take-off for playing technologies, adduces examples of linguistic games oriented to training of difficult for foreign students themes related to Russian language history such as orthography, phonetic, grammar.

کلیدواژه ها:

Russian as a Foreign Language ، Teaching Methodology of Russian as a Foreign Language ، Russian Language History ، Playing Technologies ، Didactic Game.


Sarapas Marina Vladimirovna

Associate Professor, Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow, Russia.

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