
26 دی 1402 - خواندن 2 دقیقه - 132 بازدید


Sciences are different and the reason is due to topic, method, purpose, etc. A metod is a way that deals with a knowledge. The most common methods are intellectual, induction, and intuition.

In induction we arrive from details to general; put it another way, arriving from specific to general is called induction.

Since induction deals with sense and witness and is followed by empirical knowledge is dominant over other applied methods. However, this method has no logical and empirical base and therefore is weak. This method has been applied during philosophy history and has dealt with its ups and downs.

Aristotle and other muslem philosophers Know induction as a method but are not sure about it. They use empirical in place of induction with is followed by hidden induction. Other than muslem philosophers other philosophers have talked about the position of induction.

Most important of all are positivists who advocate it excessively and then analyzed it. In this study, with a passing look at induction, the induction phenomenon has been analysed and evaluated from the point view of muslem philosophers and logical positivists.

Key words:

Method, induction, muslem philosophers, logical positivists, empirical, sense, verifiability


dr,Dariush Babaeian

Phd in Islamic Philosophy and Theology